The doyen of Tamil film industry Sri K Balachander discovered Ramesh's flair for acting and his immense potential as an artist. Ramesh's histrionic talent found expression early in his student days when he acted in many plays. A 'Ramesh film' means decent, wholesome family films with no vulgarities and crudities but always-sensible entertainers. Through his talent, he grab lot and lot of cine lovers as his fans in to his pocket. Ramesh Arvind - One of the cute and decent actor emerged as a star with a difference with bringing some sort of fresh air to the Kannada film industry. His third directorial titled 'Accident' has released to rave reviews.Accident stars Ramesh Aravind himself portraying the role of an RJ,Rekha and Pooja Gandhi His second directorial movie was Satyavan Savithri. His first directorial debut was 'Rama Shama Bhama' with Kamal Hasan, Urvashi & Daisy Bhopanana - which was a super hit. He had his Electronics Engineering from BMS College, Bangalore.Recently in the past two years, he has also been involved in Direction. He is one of the most versatile actors in Kannada, who has also acted in few Tamil movies. Ramesh Aravind or Ramesh is a popular Kannada, Telugu and Tamil movie actor.